Caitlin: All the Trilogies, Summarized Here
Monday, December 28, 2015
Together Forever
Caitlin looks like she's marrying Antonio Banderas
Book Series: Caitlin: The Forever Trilogy #3
Title: Together Forever
Publishing Date: 1988
Author: Francine Pascal
Publisher: Bantam Books, Inc.
Point of View: Third Person, omnipotent
Chapter Count: 16
Page Count: 200
Chapter 1- Caitlin models her wedding gown for Melanie who squees with anticipation. Now that Melanie is safely paired off with Howard and totally over Laurence, Caitlin can focus on her upcoming wedding to Jed. Her trousseau is all ready, (how adorably old-fashioned!) the honeymoon trip to Hawaii booked. Now, Caitlin must change and be off to meet Jed. He's taking her to a horse auction.
Chapter 2- At the auction, Jed has his eye on the prize Thoroughbred, Magic Man. He's set on buying him for Caitlin as a wedding present. Trouble arises, though, when Jed and Caitlin are warned that rich and powerful Avil Horton also has his eye on Magic Man. Jed outbids him and the horse is sold for one million, one hundred thousand dollars. Avil Horton tells them they'll regret this. Look out Jed!
Chapter 3- Avil Horton pays a call at Ryan Acres the following evening but Jed and Caitlin refuse to be intimidated by his threats and offers. Magic Man is not for sale. They have big plans next season to enter him in the Dogwood Cup and take Ryan Acres to new business heights as a racing and breeding estate.
Avil leaves and the happy couple visits their new horse, getting settled in his temporary quarters until the new stable is complete (after the fire that occurred in the last book). They've hired a trainer, now they need to find a good jockey.
Chapter 4- Preparations for the wedding are underway. The flowers have been ordered, a reception tent will be erected on the vast manicured lawn, but Jed is disturbed by a phone call. His mother wants to come for the wedding. He hasn't seen her since she abandoned the family and ran off with another man; hasn't been a part of Jed's life since; not even a birthday card. He's understandably reticent about allowing her back. Caitlin thinks he should give her a chance.
Apparently, Caitlin is a B-list celebrity. Her wedding planner has assured her there will be security to prevent the paparazzi from taking any unwanted photos today, the day of the wedding. The folding chairs have been arranged in the living room of the mansion where Caitlin's father will walk her down the aisle to Pachelbel's Canon in D, all her guests have arrived, Jed is looking handsomer than ever in his tux. He flashes his crooked smile as waits for her at the front of the room and Caitlin feels like the luckiest woman in the world.
It's a Disney princess wedding! With her poofy gown of ivory satin billowing all around her, a long chapel-length train, wearing something "old" her mother's pearls, and something "new," her wedding dress, while a friend's garter on loan covers "borrowed and blue." She has a penny in her shoe for luck. Caitlin and Jed stand before the minister and exchange their vows. Her ring is a circlet of tiny diamonds set in gold. Lifting her veil, Jed kisses her. And so they were married.
The wedding luncheon consists of veal in apricot sauce, artichoke hearts and baby vegetables. Guests dance and guzzle champagne. Jed and Caitlin cut into their five-tier wedding cake while a photographer snaps pictures.
Upstairs, Melanie helps Caitlin change into her honeymoon travel outfit, a yellow linen suit. Neither can hardly believe that Caitlin and Jed actually did it. She's a married woman now and when she returns, this room she grew up in will no longer be hers. Jed and Caitlin will share a master suite of their own in another wing of the house as a married couple just as soon as they get back from Hawaii.
Chapter 5- The reader is spared all the gory details of the wedding night. (Boo! Fail Ghostwriter!) Instead, the chapter opens on a beach scene where Jed and Caitlin are lying out on the sand. Jed trails kisses along Caitlin's neck then pulls her into the surf where she laughs as they fall into the water and Jed kisses her.
The last three days have been like a dream. Jed wants to go surfing one last time tomorrow before they leave but Caitlin is adamant. Surfing is dangerous and she really wants Jed to stop risking his life. Angry at his wife's paranoia, Jed refuses. He's going out there. Reminding herself Ryan Acres is hours away from the nearest beach, Caitlin sighs and lets him go.
Chapter 6- Caitlin is pleased to learn, as president of Ryan Mining, her actions to improve equipment and conditions at the mines are making a difference. She can also work from home and has set up an office for herself at the mansion. Jed finds her for lunch and presents her with a beautiful jeweled necklace in celebration of their one-month anniversary. Caitlin is touched.
By October, the new stable boy, Johnny, has been put in charge of caring for Magic Man. He's a good, dependable young man with red hair who loves horses. Johnny came highly recommended by the trainer who also suggests Jed hire another young man, Red Meyers, as the new jockey. Johnny is troubled hearing that name. According to the workers at the his last job, Red Meyers is nothing but trouble. Johnny hopes Jed will use good judgement.
Chapter 7- Six weeks have passed since the wedding and Caitlin is already pregnant. She's thrilled to be having Jed's baby. She hasn't told him yet, she's waiting for the right moment to surprise him, like over dinner tonight. Caitlin talks to the cook and arranges for all of Jed's favorite foods to be served, then, when Jed notices she's not drinking any wine, she'll give him the news.
But Jed drops his own bomb at lunch. There's a surfing competition this weekend at Virginia Beach and, to Caitlin's horror, he's entering. For one minute she's tempted to tell him about the baby to stop him from going but decides to wait until next week. Let Jed have one last fling with his surfboard, then, when he learns he going to be a father, he'll give up the sport once and for all.
Alarmed by the high waves and emergency vehicles parked near the beach on the day of the surfing competition, Caitlin tries one last time to talk Jed out of it but he's determined. Catching a wave, Jed is the crowd favorite and they cheer him on while Caitlin proudly brags that's HER hubby out there. It looks like Jed's going to win but Caitlin's foreboding proves right as Jed wipes out and disappears under the water. Caitlin screams from the shore as the crowd erupts in shock and admiration. Jed had so much potential.
Chapter 8- Caitlin rides in the ambulance with a semi-conscious Jed. He's admitted and Caitlin fills out all the forms, clinging to hope that Jed will be okay. But Jed is far from okay. He can't feel his legs. The doctor soberly informs them Jed is paralyzed from the shoulders down. He'll never walk again. Caitlin wants nothing but to be at Jed's side. The doctor discourages this saying Caitlin and Jed need some time apart, to let the reality sink in. Remembering Melanie, Caitlin starts calling the family to inform them of the accident. Melanie cries. Her father promises to make some calls himself to other doctors who specialize in Jed's condition. Caitlin's last call is to Mrs. Katherine Michaels (who apparently never married the man she ran off with).
Chapter 9- Caitlin tries to visit Jed who just stares at the ceiling of his hospital room and won't talk until he finally yells at her to go away and leave him alone. Caitlin calls a cab to take her back to the beach so she can retrieve the car. Someone left Jed's surfboard leaning against the vehicle. Caitlin heaves it onto the sand before driving away. She never wants to see another surfboard again. She drives back to Ryan Acres where Howard and Melanie are anxiously awaiting the latest news. They pour Caitlin a drink which she accepts, taking a sip, before remembering the baby.
Upstairs, Caitlin finds one of Jed's pajama tops in his dressing room and falls asleep wearing that instead of one of her own nightgowns. Next morning she and Melanie return to the hospital where Jed refuses to talk to either of them. Melanie weeps at the change in her brother. He's so depressed and despondent.
Then Mrs. Michaels shows up. Caitlin is glad to meet her but Jed won't see her. Caitlin leads her mother-in-law to a chair in the waiting room where they talk. Caitlin brings her back to Ryan Acres, to the dismay of Melanie, who screams her indignation and storms out of the room. Caitlin tries to talk to her but Melanie makes a good point: her mother has had no part of her life since she chose to abandon her children and commit adultery, she's made her bed, now she can lie in it.
Dr. Westlake comes to the house to talk to Caitlin who introduces him to Mrs. Michaels. The two parents find they have much in common, since they had no part of their children's lives until they were much older (except one could've contacted her children any time while the other never knew his boys could swim). Gordon Westlake tells Caitlin he knows of a doctor who can help Jed.
Jed phones the house to speak to Caitlin. He wants her to come see him tomorrow so they can talk. That's all.
Chapter 10- Filled with happiness, Caitlin enters Jed's hospital room carrying flowers but Jed tells her not to bother sitting down. This won't take long. He wants an annulment so she can move on and find another man, whole and healthy, who can take care of her and make her happy; he obviously can't, not in his present condition. Caitlin is shocked and angry at Jed's self-pity. Jed screams at her again to go away. Backing slowly away from the bed, blinking back tears, Caitlin honors Jed's request and leaves the room.
Johnny is sorry to learn of his employer's accident. More determined than ever to find a way to stop the new jockey, Red, from making any trouble with Magic Man, he overhears Red agreeing to a suspicious deal over the phone. Red sees him and Johnny knows he's in trouble. The trainer approaches Johnny later that day to warn him about making trouble for their trusted jockey, the best in the area, well-liked and trusted by Mr. and Mrs. Michaels. If he hears Johnny making trouble for Red, he's going to fire him. Realizing he can't confide in anyone, Johnny nods. He'll keep quiet, watch his back and find a way to prove Red's deception.
Chapter 11- Apparently, six years have passed since Promise Trilogy #3, A New Promise because Dr. Westlake has learned of a doctor in Boston with a new technology in microsurgery for spinal cord injuries and he's been training his protégé to do the all the surgeries. Both are willing to take Jed as their next patient but the young second year resident is none other than Julian Stokes! Hearing the name, Caitlin experiences a jolt. Her ex-boyfriend who seduced her into thinking she was in love with him so he could destroy her and Jed. How could she possibly trust him to perform a life-threatening surgery on her beloved husband without killing him? Her father tells her Julian has obviously changed, dedicated his life to helping others. He deserves a second chance.
Taking her father's advice, Caitlin flies to Boston to meet Julian who invites her into his office. He has indeed become a new man, proud of his humble family roots, deeply regretful of the lying, deceiving young man he once was but now he has a chance to make up for the hurt he caused Caitlin (from kissing her too much?). Just like that, Caitlin forgives him and will explain to Jed who will hopefully agree to undergo the surgery so he can be cured.
Chapter 12- Back at Ryan Acres, Caitlin is sharing the news about the surgery with Melanie and Mrs. Michaels when a legal courier comes knocking with an envelope for Caitlin. It's the annulment papers to end the marriage, signed Jed.
Furious, Caitlin marches into Jed's hospital room to chew him out. Jed tells her she'll see him in court, unless she'd rather get a divorce. Caitlin wants neither. She tells him about the risky surgery but when Jed learns Julian is the surgeon he absolutely refuses to go under the knife. No telling what Julian might do to him. Desperate to convince him, Caitlin tells him she's pregnant. He's going to be a father. After a lengthy silence, Jed agrees to undergo the procedure but if it doesn't work, not only is their marriage over but Caitlin will get rid of the baby. (Implying she'll get an abortion. What a jerk!) Caitlin gulps and agrees to his terms.
Chapter 13- Jed is moved to the hospital in Boston. The surgery will be performed the following day. Caitlin is in turmoil. What if it doesn't work? Her father tells her to calm down and brings her some tea, if only to stop Caitlin from wearing a hole in the waiting room carpet with her pacing.
Julian finds them. The operation was a success. Jed has a very good chance of regaining the use of his legs. Caitlin takes his hand, thanking him profusely. Julian kisses her cheek.
Four days later, a happy Jed announces he can feel his toes. He's cured! It's a miracle! He'll still have to undergo months of physical therapy at Ryan Acres but he's on his way to a full recovery. He didn't mean what he said about the baby, he's good with being a husband and father now. Somehow the surgery also magically changed Jed's attitude toward his mother. He's forgiven her. He's ready to see her and let her be part of his life again. Caitlin claps her hands and weeps for joy.
Chapter 14- It's a happy Thanksgiving at Ryan Acres with a recovering Jed, an ecstatic Caitlin, Melanie and Howard, Gordon Westlake and Mrs. Michael all in attendance.
Christmas arrives with a marriage proposal to Melanie from Howard which she accepts. Jed gives Caitlin an expensive chestnut filly for her Christmas present and a promise to take her dancing on New Year's Eve. He's ready to give up his walking canes and be a real man again. They see Mrs. Michaels off at the airport.
Magic Man is showing real promise as a racehorse. He's already won first place in the preliminary races. The Dogwood Cup will be held in July.
One June day, Caitlin and Jed are relaxing by the pool, speculating on names for the baby. Patting her enormous stomach, Caitlin decides if it's a boy they'll name him Jed but if it's a girl she'll be called Laura after her tragically dead grandmother.
On June 28th Caitlin gives birth to perfectly formed and healthy baby girl with dark, silky hair and adorable face. It's a sweet scene as Jed and Caitlin coo over their new little bundle of joy, their love stronger than ever.
Chapter 15- The day of the Dogwood Cup, Johnny happens to overhear Red making a deal with Avil Horton to deliberately throw the race in Avil's favor with a large amount of money promised to Red if he succeeds.
Figuring no one will believe him, Johnny takes matters into his own hands. Waiting until Red is alone, making his final preparations for the race, Johnny enters Red's dressing room and tells him to come with him to the men's room where he promptly knocks Red out and changes into his racing silks. Pulling the cap low over his head, it's very lucky for Johnny that he and Red both have the same hair color and physical build so he can impersonate Red, ride Magic Man and win the race.
The crowd cheers wildly as Johnny pulls Magic Man into a walk after crossing the finish line. Then he notices his superiors, waiting expectantly for him, but, to his relief, Jed and Mrs. Michaels aren't angry with him.
Chapter 16- Somehow the entire plot was discovered during the race. Ryan Acres did not get disqualified for letting an unlicensed jockey ride illegally in the race and, thanks to lawyers, (and a lot of bribery) they were allowed to keep the cup and the purse while Avil Horton and Red Meyers won't be racing again for a long time. Johnny has a new job now as Magic Man's official racing jockey.
Ginny and Julian come to Ryan Acres for a visit. Everyone is glad there are no hard feelings anymore between any of them. Thanks to Caitlin's saint-like ability to forgive sins, Julian found the courage to ask Ginny to marry him. She accepted and now they're married. Caitlin and Jed are very happy for them. The future is looking bright for all. Group hug!
And everyone lived happily ever after.
Friday, December 25, 2015
Forever and Always

No, this isn't a Sunfire Romance novel.
Book Series: Caitlin: The Forever Trilogy #2
Title: Forever and Always
Publishing Date: 1987
Author: Francine Pascal
Publisher: Bantam Books, Inc.
Point of View: Third Person, omnipotent
Chapter Count: 16
Page Count: 203
Chapter 1- Caitlin Ryan, with her "clear violet blue eyes" is engaged to be married! It is Memorial Day weekend and Caitlin is at Ryan Acres where a huge party to announce her big life event is in full swing.
Caitlin reflects how Jed proposed: taking her to a romantic restaurant where the waiter set a dome covered platter before her which Caitlin lifted to reveal Jed's three-and-a-half caret diamond ring (sheesh!).
A big church wedding is being planned. (Continuity error! Caitlin gets married in the living room at the Ryan Acres mansion.) In memory of her tragically dead mother, Caitlin will carry a book of poems that belonged to her along with a simple bouquet. She and Jed will honeymoon in Hawaii.
Her best friend, Ginny Brookes, arrives and Caitlin greets her but when Caitlin asks about her love life, Ginny is mysteriously vague, brushing it off.
Several years have apparently gone by since the last book. Jed graduated, passed his bar exam and is working for a prestigious law firm in NYC. Ginny is a career woman working for an investment firm while Caitlin still lives in New York and is still working as a columnist for National Magazine. As Caitlin and Ginny go outside to the pool area where all the guests are lounging, they see Melanie talking with Caitlin's ex-boyfriend from high school, Laurence Baxter. This worries Caitlin because she knows Laurence already has a serious girlfriend but Melanie is thrilled since she and Laurence had a few dates together in the last book and she'd love to rekindle the old flame.
Chapter 2- Caitlin's Grandmother, the esteemed Regina Ryan, compliments her granddaughter on her hostess skills. The formal dinner is all arranged and everything is in perfect order, yet Grandmother would prefer Caitlin remain here permanently at Ryan Acres, give up her yuppie lifestyle, and focus on taking over as president of Ryan Mining but Caitlin has no interest. She wants to do the "Eat, Pray, Love" thing-see the world, write down everything and explore her relationship with Jed; she's anticipated being engaged to him for years. Her life is perfect and she has no desire to change anything.
Chapter 3- Despite Caitlin's warning that Laurence is two-timing her, Melanie secretly meets him for lunch and a long, romantic drive through the Virginia countryside. They return to Laurence's apartment where it is implied that Melanie spent the night (meaning they had SEX). The scene next morning is very domestic. Melanie drinks her coffee as Laurence, fresh from the shower, joins her at the table.
"Last night was the most incredible night of my life."
"You were terrific."
"So, let's move in together," Melanie suggests.
Laurence immediately back-peddles. He's not ready for that kind of commitment.
Realizing she's nothing more than a one-night-stand, Melanie gets upset, calls Laurence a slime-bag and leaves.
Over at Ryan Acres, Caitlin tries to enjoy her breakfast, prepared by the staff and served on the white, wrought iron terrace table, but frets over Melanie who never came home last night.
Chapter 4- Flying back to NYC, Melanie hardly speaks to Caitlin but later agrees to join her for lunch. She will keep quiet about her relationship with Laurence letting Caitlin believe they've broken up.
One month later, Caitlin is getting ready for a romantic date with Jed when the phone rings. Regina Ryan, the mining magnate, the intimidating and formidable Grandmother who raised Caitlin and gave her everything money could buy, except love, died in her sleep earlier today. Caitlin has to sit down on the bed to fully absorb the shock.
The next three days are tough but Trusty Boyfriend Jed is there providing a shoulder for Caitlin to cry and lean on whenever she needs him while her father, Dr. Gordon Westlake, shares her grief. After the funeral, representatives from Ryan Mining meet with Caitlin to announce she is the new president and needs to start immediately. Knowing it is what her Grandmother would've wanted, and determined to make those changes she should've made a long time ago to improve conditions at the mines, (see Promise Trilogy #1 Tender Promises) Caitlin agrees to take over as president, at least until someone else can be found who will run the company the way Caitlin wants. She makes arrangements to move to Ryan Acres. Jed isn't happy about it but accepts the situation. Caitlin will fly up to visit as often as she can.
Chapter 5- Melanie's heart leaps when she catches sight of Laurence among the crowd of mourners at the grave. He wants to see her again. She agrees to go for another drive tomorrow so they can talk. He promises to break up with his girlfriend and Melanie agrees to keep seeing him.
Exhausted by all the recent drama. Caitlin returns from her first corporate meeting as the new president of Ryan Mining. Collapsing into a chair, she chats with Melanie who is enjoying her secret, forbidden, relationship with Laurence and the thrill of going behind everyone's back to be with him; continuing to let Caitlin believe she's moved on and has other interests.
Chapter 6- Caitlin keeps her Grandmother's secretary but redecorates the office to fit her personality. She is twenty-four years old. The press are eager to meet with her. Caitlin appears on a popular morning talk show to be interviewed. She's the new Mark Zuckerberg.
One of the millions of Americans watching is none other than Colin Wollman and boy is he mad! Darn that Caitlin Ryan! She just had to uncover his deceptive swindling scheme, (see Promise Trilogy, Book #3, A New Promise) robbing innocent rich people like her Grandmother of their fortunes, threatening to expose him unless he left town and never came back. Well, he'll show her. He'll spread lies about Caitlin's ability to run a company. Their stock will plummet. Ryan Mining will be ruined. He rubs his hands with a diabolical laugh.
Chapter 7- Caitlin is in NYC to visit Jed where they discuss this new, long distance relationship and her new responsibilities. Melanie will continue to stay at Ryan Acres where both believe she is doing well, now that she's not seeing Laurence anymore.
Chapter 8- One of the company lawyers enters Caitlin's office to announce bad news: Ryan Mining stock is down five and half points thanks to circulating rumors that nobody knows what to do about because everyone at this company is incompetent. Caitlin calls her father for advice. Dr. Westlake will send a friend of his, a sort of private investigator, Howard Joss, over to help.
Chapter 9- Howard takes Caitlin to lunch where they run into a very embarrassed Melanie who was dining with Laurence when she spotted them, called for the check and sent Laurence out the back. Howard is suspicious and puts Melanie on his "persons of interest" list.
A few days later, Caitlin takes Duster out for a long ride while Melanie is out with Laurence in his open top convertible. They park on a secluded country road to talk and kiss which is what Caitlin sees as she crests the nearby ridge on her horse. She confronts Melanie about it later that night before dinner. Melanie repeats to Caitlin the oldest line in the book Laurence fed her: he's going to break up with Nancy any day now so they can be together exclusively. He's wonderful and romantic and she's madly in love with him. Caitlin hopes Melanie isn't in over her head.
Chapter 10- Howard comes to Ryan Acres for dinner with Caitlin. He's getting close to narrowing down his final list of names. Caitlin calls Jed who is worried Caitlin loves her place at Ryan Acres and being president of the company, along with all the time she's spending with Howard, more than being with him.
Two days later, Caitlin meets little Kathy Stokes, who is now thirteen and refers to her mentor as "Aunt Caitlin" who takes her to lunch where Caitlin learns Kathy's older brother, Caitlin's ex-boyfriend, Julian (see Promise Trilogy #2 and #3) is now a resident doctor. He's also involved in a serious relationship with a girl named Ginny. Caitlin does a double take.
Chapter 11- Caitlin and Howard walk in the formal gardens at Ryan Acres. He's going up to NYC this weekend to pursue a lead and wants Caitlin to cancel her plans to fly up and see Jed. Caitlin is disappointed but agrees. She decides to invite Ginny to spend the weekend with the hope she can talk some sense into her best friend about her choice of men. Once upon a time, Julian chose HER over Ginny and now they're a couple. What gives?
Howard phones. He's narrowed it down to three suspects and Colin Wollman is one of them. Caitlin tells him Colin is their man.
Caitlin and Ginny attend a horse auction where Caitlin bids on two new horses with plans to expand Ryan Acres once flourishing side business of horse breeding. Thanks to her incredible wealth, she succeeds in getting the pick of the sales.
Chapter 12- Later that evening, Caitlin sits Ginny down for their talk about Julian. Ginny insists Julian is a changed and penitent man. He loves her and the feeling is mutual. Caitlin has her doubts. This offends Ginny so much she announces her visit is over and storms upstairs to pack. Caitlin just shrugs and calls Rollins to bring the car around. Guess dinner won't be served after all.
One hour later, Howard returns from his trip and Caitlin lets him in just as Melanie is descending the staircase, all dressed up for her date with Laurence. Both Caitlin and Howard give her disapproving looks but no words are exchanged. Howard tells Caitlin she was right about Colin Wollman spreading lies about her but since he didn't break any laws, nothing can be done to apprehend or punish him.
Chapter 13- Several major newspapers publish stories about Colin's attempted take over scandal. Caitlin hopes the subject is now closed and Colin won't bother her any more but Colin isn't done yet. At a "seedy bar" a suspicious character named Eddie, professional arsonist for hire, meets with Colin about a job. Colin wants him to set fire to the stable at Ryan Acres and make it look like an accident. Eddie takes the job.
Chapter 14- Disappointed Jed will not be coming down for the weekend, he and Caitlin argue over the phone. Jed claims he's too busy with work and he's jealous of Caitlin's friendship with Howard. Jed hangs up on her but hates himself for doing it.
Melanie receives a note and a dozen roses from Laurence asking her to meet him at their special place for dinner. Giddy with love, Melanie flies around the room assembling the perfect outfit. But when she arrives at the restaurant, Laurence tells her he received a similar note and flower from HER. Who sent them? Just then, Nancy steps out, "Gotcha!" Taking Laurence's arm, they walk away together leaving Melanie alone in their wake. Feeling like the world's biggest idiot, she manages to exit before she starts crying.
Back at the house, Caitlin is meeting with Howard when a sobbing Melanie rushes through the room. Caitlin stops her, learns the story and takes her in her arms while Howard smirks in self-satisfaction which angers Melanie who flips him off, declares she's returning to New York where she belongs and exits.
Outside, Eddie sits in his car. Casing the joint. Making plans for how he'll torch the stable tomorrow night, after everyone has gone to bed.
Chapter 15- Still regretting his behavior over the phone, Jed impulsively decides to call a cab for the airport and the next flight to Virginia but he gets stuck in traffic and his cab breaks down so he misses the flight. He's at the airport debating if he should just forget the whole plan.
Caitlin is restless and decides to visit the stables where Eddie is busy scattering hay and gasoline and lighting candles. Startled by Caitlin's entrance, the fire is set off prematurely and Eddie strikes Caitlin knocking her unconscious before she even knew he was there. She collapses and he bolts as the smoke and flames grow higher.
Seeing the flickering light outside her window, Melanie leaves off packing to sound the alarm. Caitlin needs her! Just then, Howard comes roaring up the driveway in his car. He's been driving aimlessly for the last several hours, unable to get thoughts of Melanie out of his head. Now he's here, just in time to grab a bucket. Until he stupidly gets in the way of one of the horses who knocks him unconscious next to Caitlin.
From out of nowhere, Jed suddenly appears on the scene. He carries Caitlin outside where she revives. Jed and Melanie return to the burning building to rescue Howard who has fallen head over heels for Melanie who smiles shyly realizing she has also been in love with him all this time.
Everyone is okay, The fire department arrives (late as usual in the world of Francine Pascal) to contain the fire, the horses are all safe and accounted for and the stable will be rebuilt, better and more secure than before so nothing like this will ever happen again.
Chapter 16- Wrapping up the story, Caitlin and Jed stand at a fence rail together watching the two new horses frolic in the pasture. Jed explains how he was there to save her from the fire. Just as he was about to leave the airport, return to Manhattan, and try again tomorrow, Caitlin called to him across time and space, prompting him to get on the next flight. In the aftermath of this dramatic event, he's realized just how important Caitlin is and that his place is with her, wherever she wants to live. They kiss and renew their love. Forever and always. And there's gonna be a wedding!
Title: Forever and Always
Publishing Date: 1987
Author: Francine Pascal
Publisher: Bantam Books, Inc.
Point of View: Third Person, omnipotent
Chapter Count: 16
Page Count: 203
Chapter 1- Caitlin Ryan, with her "clear violet blue eyes" is engaged to be married! It is Memorial Day weekend and Caitlin is at Ryan Acres where a huge party to announce her big life event is in full swing.
Caitlin reflects how Jed proposed: taking her to a romantic restaurant where the waiter set a dome covered platter before her which Caitlin lifted to reveal Jed's three-and-a-half caret diamond ring (sheesh!).
A big church wedding is being planned. (Continuity error! Caitlin gets married in the living room at the Ryan Acres mansion.) In memory of her tragically dead mother, Caitlin will carry a book of poems that belonged to her along with a simple bouquet. She and Jed will honeymoon in Hawaii.
Her best friend, Ginny Brookes, arrives and Caitlin greets her but when Caitlin asks about her love life, Ginny is mysteriously vague, brushing it off.
Several years have apparently gone by since the last book. Jed graduated, passed his bar exam and is working for a prestigious law firm in NYC. Ginny is a career woman working for an investment firm while Caitlin still lives in New York and is still working as a columnist for National Magazine. As Caitlin and Ginny go outside to the pool area where all the guests are lounging, they see Melanie talking with Caitlin's ex-boyfriend from high school, Laurence Baxter. This worries Caitlin because she knows Laurence already has a serious girlfriend but Melanie is thrilled since she and Laurence had a few dates together in the last book and she'd love to rekindle the old flame.
Chapter 2- Caitlin's Grandmother, the esteemed Regina Ryan, compliments her granddaughter on her hostess skills. The formal dinner is all arranged and everything is in perfect order, yet Grandmother would prefer Caitlin remain here permanently at Ryan Acres, give up her yuppie lifestyle, and focus on taking over as president of Ryan Mining but Caitlin has no interest. She wants to do the "Eat, Pray, Love" thing-see the world, write down everything and explore her relationship with Jed; she's anticipated being engaged to him for years. Her life is perfect and she has no desire to change anything.
Chapter 3- Despite Caitlin's warning that Laurence is two-timing her, Melanie secretly meets him for lunch and a long, romantic drive through the Virginia countryside. They return to Laurence's apartment where it is implied that Melanie spent the night (meaning they had SEX). The scene next morning is very domestic. Melanie drinks her coffee as Laurence, fresh from the shower, joins her at the table.
"Last night was the most incredible night of my life."
"You were terrific."
"So, let's move in together," Melanie suggests.
Laurence immediately back-peddles. He's not ready for that kind of commitment.
Realizing she's nothing more than a one-night-stand, Melanie gets upset, calls Laurence a slime-bag and leaves.
Over at Ryan Acres, Caitlin tries to enjoy her breakfast, prepared by the staff and served on the white, wrought iron terrace table, but frets over Melanie who never came home last night.
Chapter 4- Flying back to NYC, Melanie hardly speaks to Caitlin but later agrees to join her for lunch. She will keep quiet about her relationship with Laurence letting Caitlin believe they've broken up.
One month later, Caitlin is getting ready for a romantic date with Jed when the phone rings. Regina Ryan, the mining magnate, the intimidating and formidable Grandmother who raised Caitlin and gave her everything money could buy, except love, died in her sleep earlier today. Caitlin has to sit down on the bed to fully absorb the shock.
The next three days are tough but Trusty Boyfriend Jed is there providing a shoulder for Caitlin to cry and lean on whenever she needs him while her father, Dr. Gordon Westlake, shares her grief. After the funeral, representatives from Ryan Mining meet with Caitlin to announce she is the new president and needs to start immediately. Knowing it is what her Grandmother would've wanted, and determined to make those changes she should've made a long time ago to improve conditions at the mines, (see Promise Trilogy #1 Tender Promises) Caitlin agrees to take over as president, at least until someone else can be found who will run the company the way Caitlin wants. She makes arrangements to move to Ryan Acres. Jed isn't happy about it but accepts the situation. Caitlin will fly up to visit as often as she can.
Chapter 5- Melanie's heart leaps when she catches sight of Laurence among the crowd of mourners at the grave. He wants to see her again. She agrees to go for another drive tomorrow so they can talk. He promises to break up with his girlfriend and Melanie agrees to keep seeing him.
Exhausted by all the recent drama. Caitlin returns from her first corporate meeting as the new president of Ryan Mining. Collapsing into a chair, she chats with Melanie who is enjoying her secret, forbidden, relationship with Laurence and the thrill of going behind everyone's back to be with him; continuing to let Caitlin believe she's moved on and has other interests.
Chapter 6- Caitlin keeps her Grandmother's secretary but redecorates the office to fit her personality. She is twenty-four years old. The press are eager to meet with her. Caitlin appears on a popular morning talk show to be interviewed. She's the new Mark Zuckerberg.
One of the millions of Americans watching is none other than Colin Wollman and boy is he mad! Darn that Caitlin Ryan! She just had to uncover his deceptive swindling scheme, (see Promise Trilogy, Book #3, A New Promise) robbing innocent rich people like her Grandmother of their fortunes, threatening to expose him unless he left town and never came back. Well, he'll show her. He'll spread lies about Caitlin's ability to run a company. Their stock will plummet. Ryan Mining will be ruined. He rubs his hands with a diabolical laugh.
Chapter 7- Caitlin is in NYC to visit Jed where they discuss this new, long distance relationship and her new responsibilities. Melanie will continue to stay at Ryan Acres where both believe she is doing well, now that she's not seeing Laurence anymore.
Chapter 8- One of the company lawyers enters Caitlin's office to announce bad news: Ryan Mining stock is down five and half points thanks to circulating rumors that nobody knows what to do about because everyone at this company is incompetent. Caitlin calls her father for advice. Dr. Westlake will send a friend of his, a sort of private investigator, Howard Joss, over to help.
Chapter 9- Howard takes Caitlin to lunch where they run into a very embarrassed Melanie who was dining with Laurence when she spotted them, called for the check and sent Laurence out the back. Howard is suspicious and puts Melanie on his "persons of interest" list.
A few days later, Caitlin takes Duster out for a long ride while Melanie is out with Laurence in his open top convertible. They park on a secluded country road to talk and kiss which is what Caitlin sees as she crests the nearby ridge on her horse. She confronts Melanie about it later that night before dinner. Melanie repeats to Caitlin the oldest line in the book Laurence fed her: he's going to break up with Nancy any day now so they can be together exclusively. He's wonderful and romantic and she's madly in love with him. Caitlin hopes Melanie isn't in over her head.
Chapter 10- Howard comes to Ryan Acres for dinner with Caitlin. He's getting close to narrowing down his final list of names. Caitlin calls Jed who is worried Caitlin loves her place at Ryan Acres and being president of the company, along with all the time she's spending with Howard, more than being with him.
Two days later, Caitlin meets little Kathy Stokes, who is now thirteen and refers to her mentor as "Aunt Caitlin" who takes her to lunch where Caitlin learns Kathy's older brother, Caitlin's ex-boyfriend, Julian (see Promise Trilogy #2 and #3) is now a resident doctor. He's also involved in a serious relationship with a girl named Ginny. Caitlin does a double take.
Chapter 11- Caitlin and Howard walk in the formal gardens at Ryan Acres. He's going up to NYC this weekend to pursue a lead and wants Caitlin to cancel her plans to fly up and see Jed. Caitlin is disappointed but agrees. She decides to invite Ginny to spend the weekend with the hope she can talk some sense into her best friend about her choice of men. Once upon a time, Julian chose HER over Ginny and now they're a couple. What gives?
Howard phones. He's narrowed it down to three suspects and Colin Wollman is one of them. Caitlin tells him Colin is their man.
Caitlin and Ginny attend a horse auction where Caitlin bids on two new horses with plans to expand Ryan Acres once flourishing side business of horse breeding. Thanks to her incredible wealth, she succeeds in getting the pick of the sales.
Chapter 12- Later that evening, Caitlin sits Ginny down for their talk about Julian. Ginny insists Julian is a changed and penitent man. He loves her and the feeling is mutual. Caitlin has her doubts. This offends Ginny so much she announces her visit is over and storms upstairs to pack. Caitlin just shrugs and calls Rollins to bring the car around. Guess dinner won't be served after all.
One hour later, Howard returns from his trip and Caitlin lets him in just as Melanie is descending the staircase, all dressed up for her date with Laurence. Both Caitlin and Howard give her disapproving looks but no words are exchanged. Howard tells Caitlin she was right about Colin Wollman spreading lies about her but since he didn't break any laws, nothing can be done to apprehend or punish him.
Chapter 13- Several major newspapers publish stories about Colin's attempted take over scandal. Caitlin hopes the subject is now closed and Colin won't bother her any more but Colin isn't done yet. At a "seedy bar" a suspicious character named Eddie, professional arsonist for hire, meets with Colin about a job. Colin wants him to set fire to the stable at Ryan Acres and make it look like an accident. Eddie takes the job.
Chapter 14- Disappointed Jed will not be coming down for the weekend, he and Caitlin argue over the phone. Jed claims he's too busy with work and he's jealous of Caitlin's friendship with Howard. Jed hangs up on her but hates himself for doing it.
Melanie receives a note and a dozen roses from Laurence asking her to meet him at their special place for dinner. Giddy with love, Melanie flies around the room assembling the perfect outfit. But when she arrives at the restaurant, Laurence tells her he received a similar note and flower from HER. Who sent them? Just then, Nancy steps out, "Gotcha!" Taking Laurence's arm, they walk away together leaving Melanie alone in their wake. Feeling like the world's biggest idiot, she manages to exit before she starts crying.
Back at the house, Caitlin is meeting with Howard when a sobbing Melanie rushes through the room. Caitlin stops her, learns the story and takes her in her arms while Howard smirks in self-satisfaction which angers Melanie who flips him off, declares she's returning to New York where she belongs and exits.
Outside, Eddie sits in his car. Casing the joint. Making plans for how he'll torch the stable tomorrow night, after everyone has gone to bed.
Chapter 15- Still regretting his behavior over the phone, Jed impulsively decides to call a cab for the airport and the next flight to Virginia but he gets stuck in traffic and his cab breaks down so he misses the flight. He's at the airport debating if he should just forget the whole plan.
Caitlin is restless and decides to visit the stables where Eddie is busy scattering hay and gasoline and lighting candles. Startled by Caitlin's entrance, the fire is set off prematurely and Eddie strikes Caitlin knocking her unconscious before she even knew he was there. She collapses and he bolts as the smoke and flames grow higher.
Seeing the flickering light outside her window, Melanie leaves off packing to sound the alarm. Caitlin needs her! Just then, Howard comes roaring up the driveway in his car. He's been driving aimlessly for the last several hours, unable to get thoughts of Melanie out of his head. Now he's here, just in time to grab a bucket. Until he stupidly gets in the way of one of the horses who knocks him unconscious next to Caitlin.
From out of nowhere, Jed suddenly appears on the scene. He carries Caitlin outside where she revives. Jed and Melanie return to the burning building to rescue Howard who has fallen head over heels for Melanie who smiles shyly realizing she has also been in love with him all this time.
Everyone is okay, The fire department arrives (late as usual in the world of Francine Pascal) to contain the fire, the horses are all safe and accounted for and the stable will be rebuilt, better and more secure than before so nothing like this will ever happen again.
Chapter 16- Wrapping up the story, Caitlin and Jed stand at a fence rail together watching the two new horses frolic in the pasture. Jed explains how he was there to save her from the fire. Just as he was about to leave the airport, return to Manhattan, and try again tomorrow, Caitlin called to him across time and space, prompting him to get on the next flight. In the aftermath of this dramatic event, he's realized just how important Caitlin is and that his place is with her, wherever she wants to live. They kiss and renew their love. Forever and always. And there's gonna be a wedding!
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Dreams of Forever
Who knew Sex and the City really began in 1987, with Caitlin, rockin' that Barbie-doll hair!
Book Series: Caitlin: The Forever Trilogy #1
Title: Dreams of Forever
Publishing Date: 1987
Author: Francine Pascal
Publisher: Bantam Books, Inc.
Point of View: Third Person, omnipotent
Chapter Count: 20
Page Count: 197
Chapter 1- Hail the conquering graduates of Carleton Hill University! Jed and Caitlin are ready to take on the world, together. Jed will go on to graduate school at Columbia in NYC to study law, while Caitlin will be the next Brenda Starr (sans the red hair) for National News magazine as assistant to the (female) editor. The two young adults turn to greet Dr. Gordan Westlake, Grandmother Regina Ryan, and Jed's father, Carl Michaels, who keels over just as they've started chatting. He's having a heart attack! Is there a doctor in the house?
Chapter 2- The scene in the hospital waiting room is tense. Regina Ryan and Dr. Westlake leave after Caitlin insists she's staying to support Jed. His father dies later that night. Caitlin holds Jed as he cries, mourning with him, promising complete support in whatever Jed decides to do regarding the family ranch in Montana.
Chapter 3- Caitlin travels with Jed to Montana. After the funeral, the family attorney meets with Jed and his younger sister, Melanie, newly graduated from high school, to go over the estate. To their astonishment, their father never bothered to update his will after the divorce so the entire ranch has been left to none other than his ex-wife. Jed and Melanie are devastated because the ranch is as good as sold, leaving them homeless. Caitlin suggests Jed continue his plans to attend Columbia and bring Melanie along who can enroll in NYU. The three of them will hang out and paint the town red, in separate apartments of course.
Chapter 4- Two of Caitlin's classmates from Highgate are living in NYC and are happy to house Caitlin until she can find her own place. Both girls work pink collar jobs-secretary and magazine writer-plus night classes. They date occasionally but tonight they will fix dinner for Caitlin, do their homework and stay in. Learning Caitlin is still with Jed, they anticipate wedding plans and beg to be bridesmaids. Caitlin laughs and agrees; if Jed decides to propose, they're in.
Chapter 5- Caitlin starts her new job and the first week flies by. Jed comes out for the weekend and they spend all day Saturday seeing the sights. Jed also has a proposition for her. Since he'll be relocating here soon, around the same time Caitlin will be finding her own place, they should just move in together. Melanie can find her own apartment. Caitlin is shocked. She clutches her pearls. Live together? Without being married? Unheard of! She begs for time to think over such a big step in their relationship. Jed's mask of cold indifference drops into place. Reluctantly, he agrees to give Caitlin time.
After tossing and turning all night, Caitlin tells Jed she'll get her own place and live alone for now. They have their whole lives ahead of them to test their compatibility before committing to marriage (cohabitation?).
Chapter 6- Thanks to her incredible wealth, Caitlin leases an apartment in the same building as her friends on the Upper East Side, a real fixer-upper, but that's what hired laborers and contractors are for, right? The redecorating is accomplished quickly and Caitlin moves in, three weeks later. She buys all new furniture and art.
Meanwhile, Jed found his own bachelor pad on the Upper West Side, a large two bedroom with dining room and real working fireplace.
After a hectic day at work, Caitlin has Jed over for dinner, just the two of them. A private housewarming and it's a pleasant (chaste) evening for both.
Chapter 7- At work, Caitlin meets thirty-four-year-old Peter Leonard, the magazine's official photographer who is immediately smitten by Caitlin's devastating beauty. Since his model didn't show up for today's shoot, he declares Caitlin will make the perfect substitute. Flattered, Caitlin agrees to be National News' next cover model.
Chapter 8- Melanie is also here, experiencing New York and she's ready to ditch her wholesome, country image and become a real "Carrie Bradshaw" buying a new wardrobe and cutting her hair into The Rachel. A tall, handsome, stranger with a lazy grin, stops her on the street and starts chatting her up. The young man introduces himself as Cole and asks her out. With his single pierced ear and hair "cut punk" Melanie decides he's exactly the type of guy she's looking for to complete her new image and they go for coffee.
September passes in a whirl. Jed is suffering Freshman Fatigue. He stops going to his classes and starts spending all his time with a group of fellow classmates who would rather party all night than study. When word reaches him about Melanie's new boyfriend with the bad reputation, he shrugs, "Am I my sister's keeper?"
So, when Caitlin gets wind of her boyfriend and Melanie's philandering, worldly ways, she can't sleep for worry. Her two best friends are turning to the dark side and there's nothing she can do about it. (Quick, somebody call Elizabeth Wakefield!)
Chapter 9- Peter interrupts Caitlin, hard at work at her desk in the magazine office. She's on the cover of the latest issue! She looks great and sales have skyrocketed.
A few nights later, Caitlin is all dressed up (she'll turn 22 soon) and Jed is taking her out to dinner so she can meet his new friends, who don't impress her very much, while Jed can show off his "arm candy," the city's newest pin-up girl. Caitlin would've preferred staying in tonight, but when she mentions her fatigue to Jed he gets very defensive and they part on disagreeable terms.
Chapter 10- Jed calls to apologize next morning. Peter talks to Caitlin at work. A prominent cosmetics company wants to make Caitlin their new cover girl, with a contract and everything (never mind Caitlin has no professional portfolio, an agent, or ever harbored any ambitions to be America's Next Top Model). Caitlin agrees. The papers are signed and Caitlin meets with the stylists and wardrobe people who declare Caitlin's long, raven black hair, deep blue eyes and slim figure are perfect, just the way they are. No makeover or dieting will be necessary.
Peter ogles her behind his camera during an early morning shoot in Central Park. Unbeknownst to both, Jed is here, observing the entire scene. Hearing Caitlin's photographer is a single male, he became insanely crazy with jealousy and is spying on them from the bush. He steps out just as Peter is about to lean in for a suspected kiss and surprises them. Embarrassed to find nothing is going on between them, Jed makes a flimsy excuse about taking Caitlin to breakfast but Caitlin is too offended that Jed doesn't trust her. Can't he see Caitlin's relationship with Peter is strictly platonic? She tells him to go home.
Chapter 11- Caitlin's old flame from high school, Laurence Baxter, (see Book #3 True Love from The Love Trilogy) is in town. Caitlin and Jed bring Melanie along to join them for dinner. Caitlin is pleased to observe the chemistry between Lawrence and Melanie. Unfortunately, word leaks to Caitlin, two weeks later that Melanie is still running around with that douche bag, Cole, drunk and out late partying every night, when she's supposed to be enrolled in school.
Caitlin tries to talk to Melanie, warning her about this player who never commits leaving a trail of broken hearts behind him. Melanie slams the door in her face.
She tries Jed next who just shrugs. Melanie's a big girl now, she can take care of herself. He's not worried. Caitlin has never felt so powerless.
Chapter 12- Peter has a surprise for Caitlin the following morning at work. He wants her to fly to a Caribbean island with him, hotel accommodations included, for a special photo shoot, courtesy of her new sponsor. But Caitlin also has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with the magazine this weekend to interview a famous, very single, male celebrity. There's no way she can do both.
Caitlin returns from lunch to find a dozen red roses from Jed on her desk and an invite to dinner at his place where she confides in him her dilemma but instead of sympathy and advice, Jed gets angry. Can't she see Peter only wants to make Caitlin his angel in the centerfold? There's no way he'll allow her to take a private trip with that jerk. Caitlin gets angry in return and storms out of Jed's apartment. She'll be accepting Peter's offer after all, if only to spite Jed.
Chapter 13- Caitlin has to shower and wash her hair at least twice a day during her weekend shoot in the Caribbean. Early morning/all day photo shoots, a dip in the hotel pool and dinner with Peter that night fill up her two day stay. The owner of the resort approaches their table with complimentary champagne because they are such important guests and make such a nice couple. Caitlin blushes, Peter gets his hopes up. He tells Caitlin how he feels about her but Caitlin can only apologize. She already has a boyfriend. Caitlin resolves to call him as soon as she gets back to New York. Jed was right about Peter all along.
Chapter 14- Single life being what it is in the Big Apple, Jed has already found himself a rebound relationship. A knockout, bombshell blonde female named Nonnie, who loves to party and hook up with any willing male and Jed is no exception. They go to Club Max, where, amidst the smoke filled room, Jed spots his own little sister grinding away with all the drunk frat boys, including Cole. He confronts her boyfriend. Blows are exchanged until a bouncer throws them all out.
Nonnie is so angry Jed would ditch her to take his intoxicated little sister home and put her to bed instead of being with her, she tells everyone who asks that Jed tried to rape her and she told him to get lost. Now everyone thinks Jed spent the night with a hooker.
Chapter 15- And that's the story Caitlin hears first thing the next morning when a friend calls her. Jed is no longer a virgin. He cheated on her! Caitlin calls Jed's apartment but Melanie is too hung-over to know anything. She hangs up. Caitlin's phone rings again. It's Jed, but Caitlin refuses to believe his story and hangs up on him.
Chapter 16- A week passes. Caitlin continues to work at the magazine. She goes home for the weekend to Ryan Acres for a pleasant visit with her Grandmother and rides Duster for the first time in ages before taking a trip into town where she runs into Lawrence Baxter who takes her to lunch.
Lawrence tells her he really enjoyed meeting Melanie and would like to see more of her. Caitlin tells him, by all means, please, give Melanie a call, offer to be her next boyfriend, get her away from Cole and off our hands!
Thanks to her connections at the magazine, Caitlin attends the glamorous opening of a new club with Peter. As they step out of the limo, flashbulbs pop, Caitlin is wearing an elegant white beaded dress with her hair hanging loose and full around her shoulders.
Inside, who should they see but Jed and Nonnie. Like something out of a bad rom-com, the two feuding lovers steer their dates onto the dance floor and attempt to out-do each other until Nonnie pipes up, sneering a degrading remark at Caitlin which offends Peter which leads to a fist fight with Jed. Caitlin flees in tears. Peter runs after her leaving Jed sitting on the floor, stunned. Nonnie pulls him up for one last dance and Jed decides to let Caitlin go.
Chapter 17- Ever the gentleman, Peter takes a weeping Caitlin home where she tosses and turns all night. Alone. At 5:30am, the phone rings but it's not Jed, calling to apologize, it's her father, Dr. Westlake. Regina Ryan has suffered a stroke. She's in the hospital and might not make it. Caitlin needs to come, right away.
Frantic, Caitlin dials Jed but he's not home, he's out walking the streets, racking his brain for a way to get Caitlin back because, darn it, he still loves her! Caitlin reaches Peter instead who comes right over to take her to the airport (because Caitlin can't call a cab herself?) and offer his shoulder for her to cry on. Hefting her bags, he walks Caitlin down to the street where he has a cab waiting for them both.
This is the scene Jed observes as he's approaching Caitlin's building with every intention of going up, knocking on her door and begging forgiveness. Well, that's all out now. Darn that Peter! Spending the night with Caitlin and whisking her away to another tropical romantic getaway, most likely. He'll show them! He'll do something so shocking, Caitlin'll wish she'd never heard of Peter. (He's going to start using Tinder?)
Chapter 18- Missing Jed desperately, Caitlin keeps vigil in the hospital waiting room. Alone. Apparently, Peter didn't come. Her father is there but Regina Ryan is in a coma and there's nothing they can do but wait. Her father needs to get back to work but Caitlin promises to call him if she needs him or if there's any change.
Twenty-four hours later Caitlin returns from the pay phone, again, where she's tried several times to call Jed but nobody's answering and cell phones only the rich can afford won't be invented for another decade.
Chapter 19- Since he stayed up all night, Jed returns to his apartment, unplugs the phone and collapses onto his bed, sleeping until late afternoon. Waking, he decides he's through with that superficial slut, Caitlin, takes a shower and heads out for a night on the town ending up at a party where Melanie is also in attendance with her favorite bad boy. Once again, Jed tries to drag his sister away but Cole punches him.
Peter is suddenly there, picking Jed up and breaking up the fight. He leads Melanie and Jed outside where he explains why Jed saw him with Caitlin, who really loves does love him and needs him now, more than ever.
Jed sees the light, thanks Peter, who promises to escort Melanie safely home and jumps in the nearest cab for the airport.
Chapter 20- Jed arrives just in time to take Caitlin in his arms in the hospital waiting room. Each beg forgiveness of the other. Dr. Westlake appears to announce Grandmother has finally come out of her coma and can allow visitors. Jed and Caitlin share a passionate kiss of renewal.
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