No, this isn't a Sunfire Romance novel.
Book Series: Caitlin: The Forever Trilogy #2
Title: Forever and Always
Publishing Date: 1987
Author: Francine Pascal
Publisher: Bantam Books, Inc.
Point of View: Third Person, omnipotent
Chapter Count: 16
Page Count: 203
Chapter 1- Caitlin Ryan, with her "clear violet blue eyes" is engaged to be married! It is Memorial Day weekend and Caitlin is at Ryan Acres where a huge party to announce her big life event is in full swing.
Caitlin reflects how Jed proposed: taking her to a romantic restaurant where the waiter set a dome covered platter before her which Caitlin lifted to reveal Jed's three-and-a-half caret diamond ring (sheesh!).
A big church wedding is being planned. (Continuity error! Caitlin gets married in the living room at the Ryan Acres mansion.) In memory of her tragically dead mother, Caitlin will carry a book of poems that belonged to her along with a simple bouquet. She and Jed will honeymoon in Hawaii.
Her best friend, Ginny Brookes, arrives and Caitlin greets her but when Caitlin asks about her love life, Ginny is mysteriously vague, brushing it off.
Several years have apparently gone by since the last book. Jed graduated, passed his bar exam and is working for a prestigious law firm in NYC. Ginny is a career woman working for an investment firm while Caitlin still lives in New York and is still working as a columnist for National Magazine. As Caitlin and Ginny go outside to the pool area where all the guests are lounging, they see Melanie talking with Caitlin's ex-boyfriend from high school, Laurence Baxter. This worries Caitlin because she knows Laurence already has a serious girlfriend but Melanie is thrilled since she and Laurence had a few dates together in the last book and she'd love to rekindle the old flame.
Chapter 2- Caitlin's Grandmother, the esteemed Regina Ryan, compliments her granddaughter on her hostess skills. The formal dinner is all arranged and everything is in perfect order, yet Grandmother would prefer Caitlin remain here permanently at Ryan Acres, give up her yuppie lifestyle, and focus on taking over as president of Ryan Mining but Caitlin has no interest. She wants to do the "Eat, Pray, Love" thing-see the world, write down everything and explore her relationship with Jed; she's anticipated being engaged to him for years. Her life is perfect and she has no desire to change anything.
Chapter 3- Despite Caitlin's warning that Laurence is two-timing her, Melanie secretly meets him for lunch and a long, romantic drive through the Virginia countryside. They return to Laurence's apartment where it is implied that Melanie spent the night (meaning they had SEX). The scene next morning is very domestic. Melanie drinks her coffee as Laurence, fresh from the shower, joins her at the table.
"Last night was the most incredible night of my life."
"You were terrific."
"So, let's move in together," Melanie suggests.
Laurence immediately back-peddles. He's not ready for that kind of commitment.
Realizing she's nothing more than a one-night-stand, Melanie gets upset, calls Laurence a slime-bag and leaves.
Over at Ryan Acres, Caitlin tries to enjoy her breakfast, prepared by the staff and served on the white, wrought iron terrace table, but frets over Melanie who never came home last night.
Chapter 4- Flying back to NYC, Melanie hardly speaks to Caitlin but later agrees to join her for lunch. She will keep quiet about her relationship with Laurence letting Caitlin believe they've broken up.
One month later, Caitlin is getting ready for a romantic date with Jed when the phone rings. Regina Ryan, the mining magnate, the intimidating and formidable Grandmother who raised Caitlin and gave her everything money could buy, except love, died in her sleep earlier today. Caitlin has to sit down on the bed to fully absorb the shock.
The next three days are tough but Trusty Boyfriend Jed is there providing a shoulder for Caitlin to cry and lean on whenever she needs him while her father, Dr. Gordon Westlake, shares her grief. After the funeral, representatives from Ryan Mining meet with Caitlin to announce she is the new president and needs to start immediately. Knowing it is what her Grandmother would've wanted, and determined to make those changes she should've made a long time ago to improve conditions at the mines, (see Promise Trilogy #1 Tender Promises) Caitlin agrees to take over as president, at least until someone else can be found who will run the company the way Caitlin wants. She makes arrangements to move to Ryan Acres. Jed isn't happy about it but accepts the situation. Caitlin will fly up to visit as often as she can.
Chapter 5- Melanie's heart leaps when she catches sight of Laurence among the crowd of mourners at the grave. He wants to see her again. She agrees to go for another drive tomorrow so they can talk. He promises to break up with his girlfriend and Melanie agrees to keep seeing him.
Exhausted by all the recent drama. Caitlin returns from her first corporate meeting as the new president of Ryan Mining. Collapsing into a chair, she chats with Melanie who is enjoying her secret, forbidden, relationship with Laurence and the thrill of going behind everyone's back to be with him; continuing to let Caitlin believe she's moved on and has other interests.
Chapter 6- Caitlin keeps her Grandmother's secretary but redecorates the office to fit her personality. She is twenty-four years old. The press are eager to meet with her. Caitlin appears on a popular morning talk show to be interviewed. She's the new Mark Zuckerberg.
One of the millions of Americans watching is none other than Colin Wollman and boy is he mad! Darn that Caitlin Ryan! She just had to uncover his deceptive swindling scheme, (see Promise Trilogy, Book #3, A New Promise) robbing innocent rich people like her Grandmother of their fortunes, threatening to expose him unless he left town and never came back. Well, he'll show her. He'll spread lies about Caitlin's ability to run a company. Their stock will plummet. Ryan Mining will be ruined. He rubs his hands with a diabolical laugh.
Chapter 7- Caitlin is in NYC to visit Jed where they discuss this new, long distance relationship and her new responsibilities. Melanie will continue to stay at Ryan Acres where both believe she is doing well, now that she's not seeing Laurence anymore.
Chapter 8- One of the company lawyers enters Caitlin's office to announce bad news: Ryan Mining stock is down five and half points thanks to circulating rumors that nobody knows what to do about because everyone at this company is incompetent. Caitlin calls her father for advice. Dr. Westlake will send a friend of his, a sort of private investigator, Howard Joss, over to help.
Chapter 9- Howard takes Caitlin to lunch where they run into a very embarrassed Melanie who was dining with Laurence when she spotted them, called for the check and sent Laurence out the back. Howard is suspicious and puts Melanie on his "persons of interest" list.
A few days later, Caitlin takes Duster out for a long ride while Melanie is out with Laurence in his open top convertible. They park on a secluded country road to talk and kiss which is what Caitlin sees as she crests the nearby ridge on her horse. She confronts Melanie about it later that night before dinner. Melanie repeats to Caitlin the oldest line in the book Laurence fed her: he's going to break up with Nancy any day now so they can be together exclusively. He's wonderful and romantic and she's madly in love with him. Caitlin hopes Melanie isn't in over her head.
Chapter 10- Howard comes to Ryan Acres for dinner with Caitlin. He's getting close to narrowing down his final list of names. Caitlin calls Jed who is worried Caitlin loves her place at Ryan Acres and being president of the company, along with all the time she's spending with Howard, more than being with him.
Two days later, Caitlin meets little Kathy Stokes, who is now thirteen and refers to her mentor as "Aunt Caitlin" who takes her to lunch where Caitlin learns Kathy's older brother, Caitlin's ex-boyfriend, Julian (see Promise Trilogy #2 and #3) is now a resident doctor. He's also involved in a serious relationship with a girl named Ginny. Caitlin does a double take.
Chapter 11- Caitlin and Howard walk in the formal gardens at Ryan Acres. He's going up to NYC this weekend to pursue a lead and wants Caitlin to cancel her plans to fly up and see Jed. Caitlin is disappointed but agrees. She decides to invite Ginny to spend the weekend with the hope she can talk some sense into her best friend about her choice of men. Once upon a time, Julian chose HER over Ginny and now they're a couple. What gives?
Howard phones. He's narrowed it down to three suspects and Colin Wollman is one of them. Caitlin tells him Colin is their man.
Caitlin and Ginny attend a horse auction where Caitlin bids on two new horses with plans to expand Ryan Acres once flourishing side business of horse breeding. Thanks to her incredible wealth, she succeeds in getting the pick of the sales.
Chapter 12- Later that evening, Caitlin sits Ginny down for their talk about Julian. Ginny insists Julian is a changed and penitent man. He loves her and the feeling is mutual. Caitlin has her doubts. This offends Ginny so much she announces her visit is over and storms upstairs to pack. Caitlin just shrugs and calls Rollins to bring the car around. Guess dinner won't be served after all.
One hour later, Howard returns from his trip and Caitlin lets him in just as Melanie is descending the staircase, all dressed up for her date with Laurence. Both Caitlin and Howard give her disapproving looks but no words are exchanged. Howard tells Caitlin she was right about Colin Wollman spreading lies about her but since he didn't break any laws, nothing can be done to apprehend or punish him.
Chapter 13- Several major newspapers publish stories about Colin's attempted take over scandal. Caitlin hopes the subject is now closed and Colin won't bother her any more but Colin isn't done yet. At a "seedy bar" a suspicious character named Eddie, professional arsonist for hire, meets with Colin about a job. Colin wants him to set fire to the stable at Ryan Acres and make it look like an accident. Eddie takes the job.
Chapter 14- Disappointed Jed will not be coming down for the weekend, he and Caitlin argue over the phone. Jed claims he's too busy with work and he's jealous of Caitlin's friendship with Howard. Jed hangs up on her but hates himself for doing it.
Melanie receives a note and a dozen roses from Laurence asking her to meet him at their special place for dinner. Giddy with love, Melanie flies around the room assembling the perfect outfit. But when she arrives at the restaurant, Laurence tells her he received a similar note and flower from HER. Who sent them? Just then, Nancy steps out, "Gotcha!" Taking Laurence's arm, they walk away together leaving Melanie alone in their wake. Feeling like the world's biggest idiot, she manages to exit before she starts crying.
Back at the house, Caitlin is meeting with Howard when a sobbing Melanie rushes through the room. Caitlin stops her, learns the story and takes her in her arms while Howard smirks in self-satisfaction which angers Melanie who flips him off, declares she's returning to New York where she belongs and exits.
Outside, Eddie sits in his car. Casing the joint. Making plans for how he'll torch the stable tomorrow night, after everyone has gone to bed.
Chapter 15- Still regretting his behavior over the phone, Jed impulsively decides to call a cab for the airport and the next flight to Virginia but he gets stuck in traffic and his cab breaks down so he misses the flight. He's at the airport debating if he should just forget the whole plan.
Caitlin is restless and decides to visit the stables where Eddie is busy scattering hay and gasoline and lighting candles. Startled by Caitlin's entrance, the fire is set off prematurely and Eddie strikes Caitlin knocking her unconscious before she even knew he was there. She collapses and he bolts as the smoke and flames grow higher.
Seeing the flickering light outside her window, Melanie leaves off packing to sound the alarm. Caitlin needs her! Just then, Howard comes roaring up the driveway in his car. He's been driving aimlessly for the last several hours, unable to get thoughts of Melanie out of his head. Now he's here, just in time to grab a bucket. Until he stupidly gets in the way of one of the horses who knocks him unconscious next to Caitlin.
From out of nowhere, Jed suddenly appears on the scene. He carries Caitlin outside where she revives. Jed and Melanie return to the burning building to rescue Howard who has fallen head over heels for Melanie who smiles shyly realizing she has also been in love with him all this time.
Everyone is okay, The fire department arrives (late as usual in the world of Francine Pascal) to contain the fire, the horses are all safe and accounted for and the stable will be rebuilt, better and more secure than before so nothing like this will ever happen again.
Chapter 16- Wrapping up the story, Caitlin and Jed stand at a fence rail together watching the two new horses frolic in the pasture. Jed explains how he was there to save her from the fire. Just as he was about to leave the airport, return to Manhattan, and try again tomorrow, Caitlin called to him across time and space, prompting him to get on the next flight. In the aftermath of this dramatic event, he's realized just how important Caitlin is and that his place is with her, wherever she wants to live. They kiss and renew their love. Forever and always. And there's gonna be a wedding!
Title: Forever and Always
Publishing Date: 1987
Author: Francine Pascal
Publisher: Bantam Books, Inc.
Point of View: Third Person, omnipotent
Chapter Count: 16
Page Count: 203
Chapter 1- Caitlin Ryan, with her "clear violet blue eyes" is engaged to be married! It is Memorial Day weekend and Caitlin is at Ryan Acres where a huge party to announce her big life event is in full swing.
Caitlin reflects how Jed proposed: taking her to a romantic restaurant where the waiter set a dome covered platter before her which Caitlin lifted to reveal Jed's three-and-a-half caret diamond ring (sheesh!).
A big church wedding is being planned. (Continuity error! Caitlin gets married in the living room at the Ryan Acres mansion.) In memory of her tragically dead mother, Caitlin will carry a book of poems that belonged to her along with a simple bouquet. She and Jed will honeymoon in Hawaii.
Her best friend, Ginny Brookes, arrives and Caitlin greets her but when Caitlin asks about her love life, Ginny is mysteriously vague, brushing it off.
Several years have apparently gone by since the last book. Jed graduated, passed his bar exam and is working for a prestigious law firm in NYC. Ginny is a career woman working for an investment firm while Caitlin still lives in New York and is still working as a columnist for National Magazine. As Caitlin and Ginny go outside to the pool area where all the guests are lounging, they see Melanie talking with Caitlin's ex-boyfriend from high school, Laurence Baxter. This worries Caitlin because she knows Laurence already has a serious girlfriend but Melanie is thrilled since she and Laurence had a few dates together in the last book and she'd love to rekindle the old flame.
Chapter 2- Caitlin's Grandmother, the esteemed Regina Ryan, compliments her granddaughter on her hostess skills. The formal dinner is all arranged and everything is in perfect order, yet Grandmother would prefer Caitlin remain here permanently at Ryan Acres, give up her yuppie lifestyle, and focus on taking over as president of Ryan Mining but Caitlin has no interest. She wants to do the "Eat, Pray, Love" thing-see the world, write down everything and explore her relationship with Jed; she's anticipated being engaged to him for years. Her life is perfect and she has no desire to change anything.
Chapter 3- Despite Caitlin's warning that Laurence is two-timing her, Melanie secretly meets him for lunch and a long, romantic drive through the Virginia countryside. They return to Laurence's apartment where it is implied that Melanie spent the night (meaning they had SEX). The scene next morning is very domestic. Melanie drinks her coffee as Laurence, fresh from the shower, joins her at the table.
"Last night was the most incredible night of my life."
"You were terrific."
"So, let's move in together," Melanie suggests.
Laurence immediately back-peddles. He's not ready for that kind of commitment.
Realizing she's nothing more than a one-night-stand, Melanie gets upset, calls Laurence a slime-bag and leaves.
Over at Ryan Acres, Caitlin tries to enjoy her breakfast, prepared by the staff and served on the white, wrought iron terrace table, but frets over Melanie who never came home last night.
Chapter 4- Flying back to NYC, Melanie hardly speaks to Caitlin but later agrees to join her for lunch. She will keep quiet about her relationship with Laurence letting Caitlin believe they've broken up.
One month later, Caitlin is getting ready for a romantic date with Jed when the phone rings. Regina Ryan, the mining magnate, the intimidating and formidable Grandmother who raised Caitlin and gave her everything money could buy, except love, died in her sleep earlier today. Caitlin has to sit down on the bed to fully absorb the shock.
The next three days are tough but Trusty Boyfriend Jed is there providing a shoulder for Caitlin to cry and lean on whenever she needs him while her father, Dr. Gordon Westlake, shares her grief. After the funeral, representatives from Ryan Mining meet with Caitlin to announce she is the new president and needs to start immediately. Knowing it is what her Grandmother would've wanted, and determined to make those changes she should've made a long time ago to improve conditions at the mines, (see Promise Trilogy #1 Tender Promises) Caitlin agrees to take over as president, at least until someone else can be found who will run the company the way Caitlin wants. She makes arrangements to move to Ryan Acres. Jed isn't happy about it but accepts the situation. Caitlin will fly up to visit as often as she can.
Chapter 5- Melanie's heart leaps when she catches sight of Laurence among the crowd of mourners at the grave. He wants to see her again. She agrees to go for another drive tomorrow so they can talk. He promises to break up with his girlfriend and Melanie agrees to keep seeing him.
Exhausted by all the recent drama. Caitlin returns from her first corporate meeting as the new president of Ryan Mining. Collapsing into a chair, she chats with Melanie who is enjoying her secret, forbidden, relationship with Laurence and the thrill of going behind everyone's back to be with him; continuing to let Caitlin believe she's moved on and has other interests.
Chapter 6- Caitlin keeps her Grandmother's secretary but redecorates the office to fit her personality. She is twenty-four years old. The press are eager to meet with her. Caitlin appears on a popular morning talk show to be interviewed. She's the new Mark Zuckerberg.
One of the millions of Americans watching is none other than Colin Wollman and boy is he mad! Darn that Caitlin Ryan! She just had to uncover his deceptive swindling scheme, (see Promise Trilogy, Book #3, A New Promise) robbing innocent rich people like her Grandmother of their fortunes, threatening to expose him unless he left town and never came back. Well, he'll show her. He'll spread lies about Caitlin's ability to run a company. Their stock will plummet. Ryan Mining will be ruined. He rubs his hands with a diabolical laugh.
Chapter 7- Caitlin is in NYC to visit Jed where they discuss this new, long distance relationship and her new responsibilities. Melanie will continue to stay at Ryan Acres where both believe she is doing well, now that she's not seeing Laurence anymore.
Chapter 8- One of the company lawyers enters Caitlin's office to announce bad news: Ryan Mining stock is down five and half points thanks to circulating rumors that nobody knows what to do about because everyone at this company is incompetent. Caitlin calls her father for advice. Dr. Westlake will send a friend of his, a sort of private investigator, Howard Joss, over to help.
Chapter 9- Howard takes Caitlin to lunch where they run into a very embarrassed Melanie who was dining with Laurence when she spotted them, called for the check and sent Laurence out the back. Howard is suspicious and puts Melanie on his "persons of interest" list.
A few days later, Caitlin takes Duster out for a long ride while Melanie is out with Laurence in his open top convertible. They park on a secluded country road to talk and kiss which is what Caitlin sees as she crests the nearby ridge on her horse. She confronts Melanie about it later that night before dinner. Melanie repeats to Caitlin the oldest line in the book Laurence fed her: he's going to break up with Nancy any day now so they can be together exclusively. He's wonderful and romantic and she's madly in love with him. Caitlin hopes Melanie isn't in over her head.
Chapter 10- Howard comes to Ryan Acres for dinner with Caitlin. He's getting close to narrowing down his final list of names. Caitlin calls Jed who is worried Caitlin loves her place at Ryan Acres and being president of the company, along with all the time she's spending with Howard, more than being with him.
Two days later, Caitlin meets little Kathy Stokes, who is now thirteen and refers to her mentor as "Aunt Caitlin" who takes her to lunch where Caitlin learns Kathy's older brother, Caitlin's ex-boyfriend, Julian (see Promise Trilogy #2 and #3) is now a resident doctor. He's also involved in a serious relationship with a girl named Ginny. Caitlin does a double take.
Chapter 11- Caitlin and Howard walk in the formal gardens at Ryan Acres. He's going up to NYC this weekend to pursue a lead and wants Caitlin to cancel her plans to fly up and see Jed. Caitlin is disappointed but agrees. She decides to invite Ginny to spend the weekend with the hope she can talk some sense into her best friend about her choice of men. Once upon a time, Julian chose HER over Ginny and now they're a couple. What gives?
Howard phones. He's narrowed it down to three suspects and Colin Wollman is one of them. Caitlin tells him Colin is their man.
Caitlin and Ginny attend a horse auction where Caitlin bids on two new horses with plans to expand Ryan Acres once flourishing side business of horse breeding. Thanks to her incredible wealth, she succeeds in getting the pick of the sales.
Chapter 12- Later that evening, Caitlin sits Ginny down for their talk about Julian. Ginny insists Julian is a changed and penitent man. He loves her and the feeling is mutual. Caitlin has her doubts. This offends Ginny so much she announces her visit is over and storms upstairs to pack. Caitlin just shrugs and calls Rollins to bring the car around. Guess dinner won't be served after all.
One hour later, Howard returns from his trip and Caitlin lets him in just as Melanie is descending the staircase, all dressed up for her date with Laurence. Both Caitlin and Howard give her disapproving looks but no words are exchanged. Howard tells Caitlin she was right about Colin Wollman spreading lies about her but since he didn't break any laws, nothing can be done to apprehend or punish him.
Chapter 13- Several major newspapers publish stories about Colin's attempted take over scandal. Caitlin hopes the subject is now closed and Colin won't bother her any more but Colin isn't done yet. At a "seedy bar" a suspicious character named Eddie, professional arsonist for hire, meets with Colin about a job. Colin wants him to set fire to the stable at Ryan Acres and make it look like an accident. Eddie takes the job.
Chapter 14- Disappointed Jed will not be coming down for the weekend, he and Caitlin argue over the phone. Jed claims he's too busy with work and he's jealous of Caitlin's friendship with Howard. Jed hangs up on her but hates himself for doing it.
Melanie receives a note and a dozen roses from Laurence asking her to meet him at their special place for dinner. Giddy with love, Melanie flies around the room assembling the perfect outfit. But when she arrives at the restaurant, Laurence tells her he received a similar note and flower from HER. Who sent them? Just then, Nancy steps out, "Gotcha!" Taking Laurence's arm, they walk away together leaving Melanie alone in their wake. Feeling like the world's biggest idiot, she manages to exit before she starts crying.
Back at the house, Caitlin is meeting with Howard when a sobbing Melanie rushes through the room. Caitlin stops her, learns the story and takes her in her arms while Howard smirks in self-satisfaction which angers Melanie who flips him off, declares she's returning to New York where she belongs and exits.
Outside, Eddie sits in his car. Casing the joint. Making plans for how he'll torch the stable tomorrow night, after everyone has gone to bed.
Chapter 15- Still regretting his behavior over the phone, Jed impulsively decides to call a cab for the airport and the next flight to Virginia but he gets stuck in traffic and his cab breaks down so he misses the flight. He's at the airport debating if he should just forget the whole plan.
Caitlin is restless and decides to visit the stables where Eddie is busy scattering hay and gasoline and lighting candles. Startled by Caitlin's entrance, the fire is set off prematurely and Eddie strikes Caitlin knocking her unconscious before she even knew he was there. She collapses and he bolts as the smoke and flames grow higher.
Seeing the flickering light outside her window, Melanie leaves off packing to sound the alarm. Caitlin needs her! Just then, Howard comes roaring up the driveway in his car. He's been driving aimlessly for the last several hours, unable to get thoughts of Melanie out of his head. Now he's here, just in time to grab a bucket. Until he stupidly gets in the way of one of the horses who knocks him unconscious next to Caitlin.
From out of nowhere, Jed suddenly appears on the scene. He carries Caitlin outside where she revives. Jed and Melanie return to the burning building to rescue Howard who has fallen head over heels for Melanie who smiles shyly realizing she has also been in love with him all this time.
Everyone is okay, The fire department arrives (late as usual in the world of Francine Pascal) to contain the fire, the horses are all safe and accounted for and the stable will be rebuilt, better and more secure than before so nothing like this will ever happen again.
Chapter 16- Wrapping up the story, Caitlin and Jed stand at a fence rail together watching the two new horses frolic in the pasture. Jed explains how he was there to save her from the fire. Just as he was about to leave the airport, return to Manhattan, and try again tomorrow, Caitlin called to him across time and space, prompting him to get on the next flight. In the aftermath of this dramatic event, he's realized just how important Caitlin is and that his place is with her, wherever she wants to live. They kiss and renew their love. Forever and always. And there's gonna be a wedding!
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